Monday, June 24, 2013

A visit with the fam

It was so great to spend the week with my family! There was so much going on, but it was a blast! I flew in last Saturday. As we were heading home, we decided to grab some mexican food from one of my favorites, Chevy's! It was delicious! Then we went shopping for Chelsea's graduation dress!

Sunday was so great! I was able to see a ton of people that I grew up with! More people touched my belly within those three hours than ever in my whole pregnancy. As much as I thought it would bother me, it didn't!  Maybe because they were all people that I grew up with and loved, but it was fun seeing everyone. Later that night, we celebrated all the graduates in my parents ward.

Monday, we took Cassidy dress shopping. Luckily we found the perfect dress at the first store we stopped at! Then we went to lunch with my wonderful cousin and her little guy. After that, I was able to go back to my high school (my mom works in the student store there) and see my old volleyball coach! That night we got dolled up in our cheer outfits winter clothes to cheer on my Dad and his team in their softball game. Compared to Arizona, it was freezing outside! We were all bundled up under several blankets, sweatshirts, and jackets. We even had to bundle Reggie up! 

Tuesday, my grandparents arrived. We all had so much to do that we divided and conquered shortly after they arrived.  

Wednesday was the beginning of all the event craziness! Graduation day for my baby twin sisters!! Can't believe they are graduates already! I am so proud of them for finishing high school! Now they can't wait to go to college! It was a fun day. We went to lunch at Red Lobster to celebrate before we headed to graduation. Waited a while for graduation to actually start, but when it did we were all ears.... well for a portion of it anyway. Sitting between Cody and Lindsay was so distracting, probably why graduation went by faster than I expected. 

Thursday was my baby shower! I was allowed to go grocery shopping that morning with Lindsay, Hillary, and Tracy. Only some of the ladies that helped put this thing together. Then they had to drop me off so they could go finish everything else. A few hours later, it was shower time! It was so great having the support of my family and very good friends and ladies who have watched me grow up. We got to mingle, play some cute pregnancy games, and thank everyone for spoiling this baby already. It was so much fun! Thank you to those who came and especially those who hosted the shower. It really meant a lot to me!

 Friday morning I got to go with my mom and sisters on their annual temple walk with the young women of their ward. This was the walk I was able to participate in last year when I was there. Although, last year it was a half marathon. This year they cut out about 4 miles to make the girls a little happier. haha Sadly, this year I was not allowed to walk it. My husband told my mom (and me) that if I go into labor while in Oregon, he would never let me go visit them ever again! haha!! So I took the safe route and just drove a car in case any of the girls needed/ wanted to ride for a little bit. 

After that, we had to bust it home in order to get everything done for Cody's Eagle Court of Honor. In the midst of that, my cute cousin Tracy took some maternity shots for me! Can't wait to see how they turn out! The Court of Honor was great! It was weird to see my big little brother become an Eagle Scout. I thought he was supposed to stay little forever. I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished so far!

Saturday was the last. We just hung out a little bit while I packed all of my things and then we left for the airport. Goodbyes are always hard for me, especially with my family. But I get to see my mom in about 6ish weeks when our little guy makes his entrance in this world and the rest of my family about 6ish weeks after that!! So it won't be another 6 months before I see them again!! I had so much fun while I was with them and I can't wait until they come here to Arizona to see where I live and meet our precious baby! 

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