Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Being one of them

So the picture I posted last time was from a very fun night! Adam and I were asked to be chaperones at our youth dance two weeks ago. We got there and we asked to make it very clear that we were adult chaperones and not one of the youth. Some of the older adults there thought we were, and thought if we didnt make it clear we might get asked to dance by one of them. haha At first we were being all adultish and watching the people that, let's face it, are only four or five years younger than me. Then we decided that was so boring and started dancing like I danced when I went to these dances! We had a blast! I am one of the worst dancers ever. Thankgoodness Adam is the complete opposite. He was teaching me some dances, which was a little embarassing when all of my young women were watching. But it was so fun! We danced our hearts out and had a blast with the kids that were there. It was amazing to just kick back and relax and maybe act pretty crazy with the love of my life!
We get to do this again this weekend... except not with the youth. It's a very adult, black and white tie, work Christmas party. I'm super excited to get all dressed up and to dance with Adam again!

1 comment:

  1. oh how fun!! i'm so jealous! and PUH-LEASE post pictures of what you wear to this upcoming Christmas Party!
