Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Not So Scary Halloween

This Halloween was different than the ones that Adam and I have had in the past four years of our lives. Normally we are surrounded by college students with more parties than we can attend and procrastinating homework until the very last possible second. Also, as college students, we recieved tons no children knocking at our door. Ok well we didn't get any kids knocking on our door this year either because we live in an apartment complex where you need a key fob to get in the main door and then every door after that as well.
We attended our ward trunk-or-treat and handed out candy to little kids as they went around one time, and then a second time, and then we were the mean adults who turned them away the third time around. But it was fun to be with families for Halloween. Even if it was only for an hour. We were going to head to another party afterwards, but we decided not to. The best part about being a couple with little to no obligation to be places is that we can chose at that moment whether or not we want to attend. Probably not the best thing, but it's what we do. We have been trying to spend more time together since we get zero time during the week, so we decided to head home and hang out together.
We dressed up at Clark Kent and Lois Lane. We couldn't find glasses so this is what you got!

Adam had a tie on before we took these pictures, but he was so anxious to get out of his costume that he took it off before I could snap a picture. I made his superman shirt, which I am very proud of, not that it was too difficult.
Then for Halloween night, we made caramel popcorn (which was delicious) and watch and scary Halloween movie, Scooby-Doo! We discovered last night that I don't do well with scary movies any more. maybe it's because I am with out Adam for a lot of the time, he goes to sleep with out me, or maybe it's just because I would rather watch a goofy movie that has a little something to do with ghosts than be scared out of my mind. Kind of pathetic, I know. But that's me!
Needless to say, our Halloween was quiet, but fun. Maybe next year we'll have a place where we can carve pumpkins and display them!

1 comment:

  1. holy smokes! we are the same! I kid you not levi was THIS close to being superman and i was going to be louis lane too! But then we realized I was nine months pregnant. So we opted for kermit the frog and miss piggy. then we had a baby and didn't even dress up. hahah htat's hilarious though.

    also, sorry i'm a sucky friend and haven't called you back. Little E is taking up so much of my time. I'll try and call you back this week sometime. I love you and miss you like CUH-RAZY!
