Saturday, December 24, 2011

Finally Some Free Time...

It has been an awful long time since I have posted a blog. A lot has happened in the last month! Crazy how that happens. Some how on Christmas Eve, I have found time to update our blog. Here are some things that have happened in the last month:

I bought Adam's early Christmas present, tickets to an NC State Football game. Adam is a huge fan of NC State, thanks to his dad. Since we moved here he has wanted to take me to a game, but we just haven't had the time to go. So for Christmas I decided that we could go to their last home game. Adam loved it!!! We went to Raleigh the night before the game, stayed in a hotel, and then tailgated the next afternoon. (pictures to come, I'm on my mother-in-laws computer so I have no pictures) The game was awful the whole first half, and all I could think is that I just gave Adam the worst Christmas present. But then the second half they came back from a score of 14 - 41 to 56 - 41. Needless to say the second half was amazing and we couldn't really talk by the end of the game. It was so much fun!!

I got a job the beginning of December working at a title company called Boston National. It was very overwhelming at first, going from not leaving the house to working a full time job. It's actually only a couple of doors down from Adam so both of us walk to work. It's agood job for now, but let's just say I can't wait to be the Mama and stay at home wife!

Adam and I work until 6 every night so when we get home we are both exhausted. Our meals have changed big time, and we have no energy to do anything after we get home. But it's good for me to get out of the house and actually interact with people instead of staying couped up inside all day.

We went to Adam's company Christmas party and got to get all dressed up and lookin' fine. It was a lot of fun to meet the people he works with, eat some good food, and dance with the love of my life.

Adam bought us early Christmas presents.... New phones!! We got smart phones, which we love already! Adam couldn't wait to open them so he wouldn't let me wrap them and put them under the tree. 

We just barely got out Christmas tree up. Lame. I know. But we didn't realize how many decorations actually went into each holiday. We weren't prepared for this!

More to come after Christmas....

1 comment:

  1. i can't wait for you to be a mama and stay at home wife!! And neither can eleanora... she can't wait for some friends!! :):)
