Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas flew by...

Holy Moly. Christmas time came and went so quickly. 2012, here we come!

Our Christmas was super relaxed. So much so that I totally spaced taking very many pictures. But here are a few from the couple days around Christmas:
This is a dark picture because I took it at 6:30 in the morning. :)  Adam told me that he was going to wake me up at 8 to open presents and I freaked out! I wanted my sleep, danget! But that night I didn't sleep well and was awake at 6. I remembered that Adam's family had a rule that they couldn't go open presents until 6:30. So I waited until then to wake Adam up. I woke him up and told him to come open up presents with me! We opened presents with only the light of our Christmas tree and were still kind of half asleep, so the opening of presents is kind of a blur. But after we opened presents, we went straight back to sleep until 11. It was amazing! Our first Christmas together was great, but I definitely missed having my family around.

This is one of the shirts Chelsea gave me for Christmas! I love it!! We got to skype my family on Christmas day so we could see what they got. It was so much fun to see everyone!

Christmas Eve we went to Adam's parent's house for dinner and presents. This present we got from Adam's brother and his wife. Our favorite game ever. We used to play it with our good friends Lexi and Jordan all the time, but sadly we moved away and then they moved to Texas. They introduced us to this game and the only place we could find it was on amazon. But we got it for Christmas and we were both so excited!!

Adam did great this Christmas! All my clothes and shoes fit perfect! He tried so hard to make it a great Christmas for me. He did great!

I still can't get the pictures on the computer from the NC State game. But I'm still trying. No worries.

Now, our New Years plans. We have none. Yet. But Friday night we are going on a group date to dinner and our church dance! We know, it's gonna be awesome! And it's a formal dance, so we get to get all dolled up again! I'm way excited for that.

Back to Christmas. I know it has passed, but this year seemed kind of blah. Both of us were working full time, so we didn't get a chance to think about any kind of tradition that we wanted to start (with it being our first Christmas and all). Now I'm wondering what kind of traditions you and your families have? What do you do before Christmas, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day? For that matter, what do you do for New Years, Valentines Day, Easter, etc. as well? Let me know, I'm dying for traditions to start with my own little family.... Myself and Adam.

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