Thursday, August 2, 2012

A lot more like a baby than puppy...

When we decided to get Reggie (our pupp), we were so excited because 1) It would be a pretty big change for us and 2) because we would learn how to take care of someone other than ourselves. Let's face it, we've had it pretty good for the last year or so. We have only had to take care of ourselves, we could do whatever we want and have the night to ourselves.
Getting a puppy has definitely changed that! He is at home by himself for a good portion of the day so we get to play with him when we get home. We are trying to potty train him right now so we have to take him out about every three to four hours... yes that means waking up in the middle of the night to a barking/ crying puppy because he has to go so bad. He doesn't do so great in the heat, which is awful because we have been in the mid 90's here for the whole summer.
But getting him has also been so much fun! When we take him on walks, he has to make sure that we (Adam and I) always stay together. He hates going on walks with just one of us. He loves to sprint around the corner when we come out of the elevator to our apartment. But he does make sure you are coming too! Looking back at you like, "Are you still there?".
He loves being sneeky. He'll walk into our closet and take a (yes, just one) sock out to the living room. If we haven't caught him with the first sock, he'll keep taking socks out of the closet until we catch him. While I'm getting ready in the morning he will stand behind me in the bathroom, barks because he knows I'll turn around, and then he'll sprint around our house. He'll come back and do it several more times until he get's bored with that.
He plays with Adam and I a lot. I think he likes playing with Adam more because Adam is a little more rough and fun. I like to cuddle. Normally one of us gets in bed first. Reggie will sit at the edge of our bed until we are both in bed and then he'll relax. His favorite spot is above my head on my pillow. He cuddles up around my head and neck. He's so stinkin' adorable!! (This was taken on our beach trip last weekend. Clearly I got some sun that day!)
After all of the "no's" from Adam, he sure is wrapped around this puppy's paw!

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