Sunday, January 22, 2012


I know, I have been a slacker when it comes to keeping up with the blog. Things have been so crazy lately with work, Young Women's, trying to decide if I will actually cook a good dinner or not, and spending good, quality time with my sweet, amazing husband.
Adam and I have pretty crazy schedules. We both work until 6. We get to walk home together (normally), talk about our day, and get caught up a little bit. We get home about 6:30 when we may or may not be hungry, then we have to decide if we are up for a work out that night or if we are going to be lazy. We are trying to work out more because we gotta look dang fiiiiiine for the cruise we are going to go on with my family at the end of the year! Then after we work out and have dinner, it's showa time and then time for bed. So we don't really have time for much. We have the weekends, which go by way to fast, when we have a little time to smooch and go on dates. I can't wait for the day when I don't have to work and Adam doesn't have to work as much. We did get to go on a date this weekend, which was so good. It was just simple, but so fun for us to get out.
I'm so sorry things are so boring right now. But eventually things will pick up and get exciting. Or maybe I will just find time to talk about better stuff.

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