Friday, February 17, 2012

Day of Love...

For Valentine's Day this year, Adam and I had big things we wanted. Not technically for the "Day of Love", but in general. I wanted a couch, a bigger and better one than the one that we had. I wanted our apartment to feel like a home. I think that's a decent thing to ask for.... right? Adam on the other hand wanted a PS3. Oh boy. I thought, "Seriously?! We barely have time together as it is and now you want to add this?"
But as it turns out, Adam looked and looked for a great couch for me. He found a fabulous sectional and we were able to get it about a week before Valentines day. So now we had a couch and a big TV (Thanks Mom and Dad!), with 4 channels, but our DVD player just gave out on us. I really started thinking about getting this PS3. I know my husband, he won't become addicted (if I have anything to say about it). With the help of way too many friends, I finally broke down and got it for him. His reaction to it is on my facebook.
Our Valentines gifts were much more like birthday gifts, but that's ok. I woke up that morning to Sponge Bob Valentines all over our house with a big bag of gummy bears (my favorite!). Then at work that day I recieved a B-E-A-UTIFUL bouquet of flowers! I love them! We just snuggled on our new couch and watched a movie on our new PS3 that night. Very relaxing and very much needed.
I am so grateful for a husband who loves me no matter what! He is seriously awesome!

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