Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 13, better late then never!

How far along? 13 weeks, 4 days

Baby is the size of a: Lemon, 3.5 inches

Best moment of the week: Getting to be with Adam in Reno, even if it was for less than 24 hours. We went to Reno with our friends Blake and Brooke, which was a blast. The boys had some things they wanted to get done while we were there, but other than that we just did what ever we felt like. We gambled a little and unlike our honeymoon, Adam lost all his money and I won it all back! 
I rode the train for the first time! It was so much cooler than I thought it would be! AND I had two seats to myself (thank goodness) so I got to spread out while we were traveling! 

Movement? Nope, we have a ways to go before that happens.

Cravings? Pizza, while I was in Rexburg it was Pizza Pie Cafe pizza to be specific.

Belly Button: Still in.

Missing Anything? Really wishing my husband and I could actually live in the same city, under the same roof. This whole, only seeing him on weekends for less than 48 hours is not sitting well with me. I think it's actually getting harder, not easier, to say good bye and have him be away all week. 

Wedding Ring on or off? On for now... let's hope it stays that way!

Aches & Pains: I had a case of "can't keep breakfast down" after my doctor's appointment, but that was only the second time, so here's to not being too sick while preggo! I think the babe was mad at me for having them find the heart beat so much and then doing an ultra sound... oops!

Stretch MarksNot yet!

Flying While Pregnant: Well I only flew when I was about 7 weeks and I had my dog with me, so it wasn't really a pain.

Happy or Moody most of the time? Stressed probably 75% of the time. Last week I went to see my mom in Idaho while she was there for the week. I had to get back Thursday night so I could drop my puppy off with my sister-in-law and make the train on time. Well I got to Ogden and my car died. It was about 8 pm when that happened. Thank goodness for two of my sister-in-laws that night, they were life savers! Marie drove me around for forever getting everything done I needed and Eve took my puppy for the weekend! I literally was the last person that got on the train because I got there so late. Blake and Brook and a seat saved for me and everything! But I wouldn't have made it without Marie's mad driving skills! Needless to say, I tried to not think about anything while I was in Reno. But can I tell you, that was the hardest goodbye Adam and I have had thus far. It has been especially hard because through all of this, he hasn't been able to physically be here. We have each other's support through the phone, which is about all we can do for now. But at this point we need each other's support physically. I need him here with me.

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender in about a month! Adam, I think, was hoping for a boy, but now really feels like it's a girl. So we'll play the guessing game when we get closer!

1 comment:

  1. you're going to know I blogger stock your darling blog. It's super cute and fun to read your exciting news. I will say...that I did feel movement on week 14. It was the same movement I felt in week 25. My sister explained it best as it feeling like a muscle twitch. may feel your baby sooner than you think. How exciting for you guys! Mainly I just wanted to offer a congratulations!!
