Friday, June 19, 2015

San Diego 2015

The first week in April we were able to go down to Southern California and spend time with my sister-in-law's for the week! It was so much fun to catch up with them and let Daxton play with his cousin, Emily! Daxton and I drove down and picked up my sister-in-law and my niece from the airport before we met up with everyone else.

The first day we went to Old Town and Mormon Battalion. In Old Town they have a drink shop where they have tons of different drinks for around the states and the world! So I was able to get Adam his favorite drink in the whole world, Cheerwine. It's a drink you can normally only find in North Carolina or specialty drink stores. Then we went grocery shopping for the week, talked a whole bunch, and got to bed at a decent time... By that I mean we got more than three hours of sleep!

The next day we went to the beach! It was a little windy and chilly, but still so much fun!! The babies loved playing in the sand! And anytime I'm on a beach, I'm happy! Daxton loves playing in the waves no matter what temperature the water is, so we spent a little time in the water before we relaxed on the sand.

We were lucky enough to go to the San Diego zoo before we left too! It is a pretty good size zoo and one of only two zoos in the U.S. To have Panda bears! They were really cool to see! The rhino was playing with his toys like a dog when we walked by. It was hilarious! The giraffes were really close to us too! Dax fell asleep for a good majority of walking around the zoo, but it was fine because I'd rather have him sleep than be super whiny and tired.

One of my sister in laws is pregnant with her first baby so we threw a little baby shower for her one night! It was so much fun! We made onesies, headbands, and drinks! We talked and laughed so hard!!

The last day we had to take two of my sister in laws to the airport and then Kirsten, Daxton and I went to seal beach! It was a good wind down to our week.

On April 9th it was mine and Adams 4th anniversary! I was still in San Diego though so we didn't really do anything to celebrate on the day. The next day was my 26th birthday! Daxton and I drove home that day, but the girls were so sweet and bought a delicious cheesecake to celebrate before everyone left!!

We had so much fun! We stayed up far too late every night and couldn't stop talking and laughing! I don't know how we all ran on so little sleep, but we did and we loved every second of it! Until next time, ladies!

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