Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pregnancy - not always bad

Let's get this straight. You're telling me that when I get pregnant my body will go through a whirlwind of changes, some good and some not so good. I'll be nauseated, I'll have crazy bad cravings, I'll gain weight and become swollen, I'll have major gas, I'll be so miserable for the entire 9 months, and so much more.
I will also start to have this "pregnancy glow" about me, I will have a miracle growing inside me, I will be able to eat as much as I want (not really, because let's face it, that would not be too healthy), when I do have cravings I can beg my sweet husband into going to the store to get it for me, and I now have an excuse for everything! 
While I was pregnant I would always be in conversations with other women who were currently pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant, or recently had their baby. There would always be that one girl trying to scare the inexperienced girls into thinking pregnancy was the worst thing ever. When they turn to me after scaring this poor girl and say, "right?! Pregnancy is awful!" I couldn't lie, so I had to disagree. 

I lucked out and received my moms good genes when it came to pregnancy. I loved being pregnant! Granted, it's not like I didn't have any of the bad symptoms, but the good definitely out weighed the bad. When I was 2-6 months pregnant I nannied two twin boys who were about 18 months old. Don't get me wrong, I loved those boys so much! But those few times that I did have a sick stomach and was so tired I couldn't see straight were a little rough. The better side of that is that they would cuddle with me (only if for a couple minutes) and would put their hands on my tummy and we would talk to the baby in there. 

I was pretty tired most of my first trimester, but the good (and seriously worst part of my first trimester and some of my second) was that Adam was working out of the state so I could really sleep whenever I wanted without feeling guilty I wasn't spending enough time with him.
Getting pregnant means you get large, and that is not an understatement. So you grow out of all of your current clothes. But on the other hand, maternity clothes are so stinking comfortable that when you don't have to wear them anymore you wonder why we women don't always wear them! 
I hated that I was a little uncomfortable the last month or two especially when I slept. By the time daxton did come, I was very much ready for him to come.
I was never really in too much pain, except for my back which would get pretty tight sometimes. That's what husbands are good for! They are also good for rubbing your feet, painting your toe nails when you can reach them anymore, and pushing (or pulling) you up off the couch.
I loved the looks and questions when I actually had a belly you could tell was a baby instead of just a terribly huge meal you just ate. I absolutely loved the feeling of him kicking inside me. I loved the doctors appointments (for the first time in my life) because the ladies there all knew who I was and would keep tabs on me and how I was doing (shout out to valley women for women in chandler, az). My favorite receptionist even remembered me after not being in there for 4 months!! I loved knowing that there was a little miracle growing inside of me.
I really don't mean to throw this in the faces of women who do have hard pregnancies (and I'm so sorry you have to go through that), I'm just informing those who don't know that pregnancies aren't all terrible!


  1. Whew! Your title had me wondering about an announcement!! You made an adorable pregnant girl and make an even adorabler mommy!! Love you!!!

  2. Sorry Mama! No announcement for a while... and c'mon, you wouldn't find out online!
